
    Hunting equipment, guns, ammunition
    • Reloadable Brass: 308 Win $.15ea, 223/556 $.05ea, 45 ACP $.10ea, 40 S&W $.04ea, 9mm $.03ea, 38 spl $.06ea, 38 super $.10ea, 380 auto $.05ea. Other misc brass and nickel brass available. 509-366-0450
    • NEW ARRIVALS: COLTS, DOUBLE SHOTGUNS At Sure Shot Guns & Pawn. Suppressors, we accept consignments & buy guns! Tuesday-Saturday, 114 N. Main St, Kittitas, exit 115 of I-90. 509-968-4867
    • Ruger 10-22 classic new $300 Ruger 10-22 takedown new $670
    • CUSTOM HOLSTERS & gun leather; Saddle/ tack repair; Custom leather work. Tues- Sat, 1pm-5pm or by appointment. Call Collins, 509-378-5833. 2001 S Washington, Kennewick.
    • MATHEWS CREED BOW Left hand, SKB soft case, Primos sling, extra draw cam, arrows, $500; Merc 8hp, 2 stroke, long shaft, excellent condition, $450; Teeter LX3, inversion table with remote heat & vibration, like new, $150. For more information & pictures, please call & leave a message, JP 503-894-0066
    • COEUR d'ALENE, IDAHO GUN SHOW Saturday, February 15, 9am-6pm; Sunday, February 16, 9am-3pm. Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 N. Government Way, Buildings 1, 2 & 3, Coeur dAlene, Idaho. Sponsored by Lewis Clark Trader. Information, 208-746-5555
    • S&W Bodyguard 380 Laser new $500 S&W Governor new $900
    • DOUBLE BARREL RANCH THE FINEST UPLAND BIRD HUNTING On our 3000 acre hunting preserve! Guided & non-guided upland bird hunting, lodging, meals, corporate events & family get togethers. Arrive as our guest & leave as our friend! 17 miles south of Spokane, or call the Birdman Joe, 509-270-5518 to book your hunt! No hunting license required for residents & non-residents
    • SPRING SPECIAL AT LITTLE CANYON SHOOTING 10 short tail roosters for $250, 10 hens for $200. Located in Peck, ID. To book hunt, call 208-486-6235
    • CUSTOM HOLSTERS & gun leather; Saddle/ tack repair; Custom leather work. Tues- Sat, 1pm-5pm or by appointment. Call Collins, 509-378-5833. 2001 S Washington, Kennewick.
    • FIREARMS ATTORNEY Rights restoration, Expungement, NFA trusts. Licensed in Idaho & Washington. Free consultation, Alan Baker, 208-743-5338